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Heaps are used to efficiently retrieve the smallest element of a data set. Peeking this element is done in $O(1)$, while insertion and removal are done in $O(\log{n})$. Heaps are used to implement priority queues, a type of queue where the smallest element is retrieved first instead of the first-inserted element.


A heap is logically designed as a balanced binary tree, but instead of using linked lists, we use a fixed-size vector to store the data. Given a node stored in the vector at index $i$, we compute the indices of its parent $p(i)$ and its children $c(i)$ as follows:

\[p(i) = \lfloor (i - 1) / 2 \rfloor\] \[c(i) = \left(2i + 1, ~ 2i + 2\right)\]
flowchart TD
    p[parent] --- n((node))
    p --- s[sibling]
    n --- c1[child 1]
    n --- c2[child 2]

The value of node is always equal or greater than its parent. Therefore, the smallest element is always located at the root of the tree, which has index 0.

const int MAX_SIZE = 10000;

typedef struct {
    int data[MAX_SIZE];
    int size;
} heap_t;

void init(heap_t *heap) {
    heap->size = 0;

int * minimum(heap_t *heap) {
    return heap->size > 0 ? &heap->data[0] : NULL;

int parent(int i) {
    return (i - 1) / 2;

int left_child(int i) {
    return (2 * i) + 1;

int right_child(int i) {
    return (2 * i) + 2;


Insert an element in a heap.

Input A heap containing $n$ elements, and a value $x$
Effect The heap contains $x$
Time $O(\log{n})$

To insert a new element $x$, we place it at the bottom of the binary tree, and compare it to its parent. If $x$ is smaller, we swap the elements, and compare it again to its new parent. We continue until its parent is no longer larger.

void swap(int vector[], int a, int b) {
    int temp = vector[a];
    vector[a] = vector[b];
    vector[b] = temp;

void move_up(heap_t *heap, int index) {
    while (index > 0 && heap->data[parent(index)] > heap->data[index]) {
        swap(heap->data, index, parent(index));
        index = parent(index);

void insert(heap_t *heap, int value) {
    heap->data[heap->size++] = value;
    move_up(heap, heap->size - 1);


Remove the smallest element from the heap.

Input A heap containing $n$ elements
Effect The smallest element is removed from the heap
Time $O(\log{n})$

By definition, the smallest element is at the root of the heap. To remove it, we replace it with an element $x$ from the bottom of the binary tree, and then compare the new root $x$ with its two children. If the smallest child is smaller than $x$, we swap them, and compare $x$ again to its new children. We continue this process until there are no more smaller children.

#include <assert.h>

void move_down(heap_t *heap, int index) {
    while (left_child(index) < heap->size) {
        int smallest = left_child(index);
        int right = right_child(index);
        if (right < heap->size && heap->data[right] < heap->data[smallest]) {
            smallest = right;
        if (heap->data[smallest] >= heap->data[index]) break;
        swap(heap->data, smallest, index);
        index = smallest;

int remove(heap_t *heap) {
    int value = heap->data[0]
    assert(heap->size > 0);
    heap->vector[0] = heap->vector[--heap->size];
    move_down(heap, 0);
    return value;


Build a heap from a list of elements.

Input A list of $n$ elements
Output A heap containing these $n$ elements
Time $O(n)$

First we copy the $n$ elements into the heap data vector. Then we must correct it so that each node is smaller than its children. To do that, we simply apply the method move_down to every element of the vector, starting from the last. This strategy to build a heap is slightly more efficient than performing $n$ insertions in the heap.

#include <string.h>

void build_heap(heap_t *heap, int list[], int size) {
    int i;
    memcpy(heap->data, list, size * sizeof (int));
    for (i = parent(size - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
        move_down(heap, i);
Data structures
Vectors | Linked Lists | Stacks | Queues | Hash Tables | Heaps | B-trees | Segment Tree | Union-Find Disjoint Set